
The 'Wainwright's are the 214 fells (mountains & hills) in the UK Lake District as described by Alfred Wainwright in his 7 volume 'Pictorial Guides to the Lakeland Fells' written between 1955 and 1966. The 214 fells represent the main areas of high ground in the Lake District over 1000 feet in height, the exception being 'Castle Crag', which at 951 feet is the smallest fell included. At the other end of the scale is Scafell Pike which at 3209 feet is the highest mountain in England. Since the publication of his famous 'pictorial guides' many people have sought to follow in 'AW's' footsteps and complete the 214 'Wainwright's. I am one such 'Wainwright Bagger' and my progress is chronicled below. Click on the fell name for a profile of the fell if available.
: Fells climbed in red or orange
: Click on the fell name for a profile of the fell or a summit view panorama if available.
: Click 'climbed date' for Route/Trip Report (if available).

Current Count as of 17/07/2024 = 208 / 214

Fell Name Climbed  Height (m) Height (Ft)
Allen Crags 29/06/2011 785 2575
Angletarn Pikes 02/03/2013 567 1860
Ard Crags 21/09/2013 581 1906
Armboth Fell 19/05/2017 479 1572
Arnison Crag 19/06/2015 433 1421
Arthur's Pike 04/05/2013 532 1745
Bakestall                                      20/05/2022 673 2208
Bannerdale Crags 14/02/2023 683 2241
Barf 17/07/2024 468 1535
455 1493
Base Brown 04/09/2014 646 2119
Beda Fell 02/03/2013 + 8/3/17 509 1670
Binsey 19/05/2022 447 1467
Birkhouse Moor 14/03/2014 718 2356
Birks 19/06/2015 + 29/11/19 622 2041
Black Fell 20/05/2015 323 1060
Blake Fell  27/06/2014 573 1880
Blea Rigg 18/08/2009 + 16/3/10 541 1775
Bleaberry Fell 19/05/2017 590 1936
Blencathra 08/02/2011 + 14/2/23 868 2848
Bonscale Pike 04/05/2013 524 1719
Bowfell 21/07/2009 + 19/10/10 + 11/7/14 + 3/12/16 902 2959
Bowscale Fell 14/02/2023 702 2303
Brae Fell 20/05/2022 586 1923
Brandreth 29/06/2011 715 2346
Branstree 11/04/2013 713 2339
Brim Fell 30/09/2010 796 2612
Brock Crags 04/05/2013 561 1841
Broom Fell  17/07/2024 511 1677
Buckbarrow 01/06/2017 420 1378
Burnbank Fell 27/06/2014 475 1558
Calf Crag 20/01/2009 + 28/3/14 537 1762
Carl Side 24/03/2022 746 2448
Carrock Fell 31/05/2024 660 2165
Castle Crag 26/07/2018 290 951
Cat Bells 20/09/2013 451 1480
Catstycam 19/06/2015 + 27/2/16 890 2920
Caudale Moor (Stony Cove Pike) 01/11/2013 763 2503
Causey Pike 01/02/2013 637 2090
Caw Fell 14/04/2014 690 2264
Clough Head 15/11/2013 726 2382
Cold Pike 19/01/2013 701 2300
Coniston Old Man 30/09/2010 + 30/1/15 803 2635
Crag Fell 14/04/2014 523 1716
Crinkle Crags 21/07/2009 + 11/7/14 859 2818
Dale Head 20/09/2013 753 2470
Dodd 24/03/2022 502 1647
Dollywagon Pike 02/06/2010 + 19/6/15 858 2815
Dove Crag 03/02/2012 792 2598
Dow Crag 30/01/2015 778 2552
Eagle Crag 09/06/2018 521 1706
Eel Crag (Crag Hill) 02/02/2013 + 2/5/14  839 2753
Esk Pike 19/10/2010 885 2904
Fairfield 09/03/2009 + 21/4/09 + 30/5/09 + 3/2/12 +11/19 873 2864
416 1365
Fleetwith Pike
648 2126
Froswick 30/03/2013 720 2362
Gavel Fell 27/06/2014 526 1726
Gibson Knott 20/01/2009 420 1378
Glaramara 29/06/2011 783 2569
Glenridding Dodd 14/03/2014 442 1450
Gowbarrow Fell 17/01/2014 481 1578
Grange Fell 09/06/2018 410 1345
Grasmoor 02/02/2013 + 2/5/14 852 2795
Gray Crag 01/11/2013 699 2293
Graystones 17/07/2024 456 1496
Great Borne 27/06/2014 616 2021
Great Calva 31/05/2024 690 2264
Great Carrs 30/09/2010 780 2559
Great Cockup 20/05/2022 526 1726
Great Crag 09/06/2018 440 1444
Great Dodd 15/11/2013 857 2812
Great End 19/10/2010 + 29/9/18 910 2986
Great Gable 29/06/2011 899 2949
Great Mell Fell 17/01/2014 537 1762
Great Rigg 09/03/2009 + 30/5/09 + 3/2/12 766 2513
Great Sca Fell 20/05/2022 651 2136
Green Crag 17/04/2015 489 1604
Green Gable 26/06/2011 + 4/9/14 801 2628
Grey Crag 11/04/2013 638 2093
Grey Friar 30/09/2010 770 2526
Grey Knotts 29/06/2011 697 2287
Grike 14/04/2014 488 1601
Grisedale Pike 01/02/2013 791 2595
Hallin Fell 04/05/2013 388 1273
Hard Knott 18/04/2015 549 1801
Harrison Stickle 16/03/2010 + 10/4/11 + 6/4/15 736 2415
Hart Crag 21/04/2009 + 3/2/12 + 29/11/19 822 2697
Hart Side 15/11/2013 756 2480
Harter Fell (Eskdale) 17/04/2015 653 2142
Harter Fell (Mardale) 13/07/2010 + 30/3/13 778 2552
Hartsop Above How 21/04/2009 + 29/11/19 580 1903
Hartsop Dodd 01/11/2013 618 2028
Haycock 15/04/2014 797 2615
597 1959
Helm Crag 20/02/2009 + 23/2/10 + 10/7/11 405 1329
Helvellyn 02/06/2010 + 14/3/14 + 19/6/15 + 27/2/16 950 3117
Hen Comb 28/06/2014 509 1670
Heron Pike 03/02/2012 612 2008
High Crag 26/05/2012 744 2441
High Hartsop Dodd 30/05/2014 519 1703
High Pike (Caldbeck) 31/05/2024 658 2159
High Pike (Scandale) 03/02/2012 656 2152
High Raise (Langdale) 16/03/2010 + 28/3/14 762 2500
High Raise (Martindale) 13/07/2010 + 4/5/13 + 8/3/17 802 2631
High Rigg 12/04/2019 354 1161
High Seat 19/05/2017 608 1995
High Spy 20/09/2013 653 2142
High Stile 25/05/2012 807 2648
High Street 13/07/2010 828 2717
High Tove 27/05/2017 515 1690
Hindscarth 20/09/2013 727 2385
Holme Fell 20/05/2015 317 1040
Hopegill Head 02/02/2013  + 3/5/14 770 2526
Ill Bell 30/03/2013 757 2484
Illgill Head 31/05/2017 609 1998
Kentmere Pike 30/03/2013 730 2395
Kidsty Pike 13/07/2010 + 4/5/13 780 2559
Kirk Fell 05/09/2014 802 2631
Knott 31/05/2024 710 2329
Knott Rigg 21/09/2013 556 1824
Knott, The 13/07/2010 + 4/5/13 + 8/3/17 739 2425
Lank Rigg 14/04/2014 541 1775
Latrigg 24/03/2022 368 1207
Ling Fell 17/07/2024 373 1224
Lingmell 30/07/2015 800 2625
Lingmoor Fell 24/08/2014 469 1539
Little Hart Crag 30/05/2014 637 2090
Little Mell Fell 17/01/2014 505 1657
Loadpot Hill 04/05/2013 671 2201
Loft Crag 16/03/2010 680 2231
Long Side 24/03/2022 734 2408
Longlands Fell 20/05/2022 483 1585
Lonscale Fell 24/03/2022 715 2346
Lord's Seat 17/07/2024 552 1811
Loughrigg Fell 25/03/2008 + 19/2/12 335 1099
Low Fell
428 1404
Low Pike 03/02/2012 508 1667
Maiden Moor 20/09/2013 576 1890
Mardale Ill Bell 13/07/2010 + 30/3/13 760 2493
Meal Fell 20/05/2022 550 1804
Mellbreak 17/05/2018 512 1680
Middle Dodd 30/05/2014 654 2146
Middle Fell  01/06/2017 582 1909
Mungrisdale Common 14/02/2023 633 2077
Nab Scar 03/02/2012 440 1444
Nab, The 04/05/2013 576 1890
Nethermost Pike 02/06/2010 + 19/6/15 891 2923
Outerside 01/02/2013 568 1864
Pavey Ark 16/03/2010 + 10/4/11 + 6/4/15 700 2297
Pike O' Blisco 26/01/2010 705 2313
Pike O'Stickle 16/03/2010 709 2326
Pillar 27/07/2013 892 2927
Place Fell 02/03/2013 657 2156
Raise 02/06/2010 + 14/3/14 883 2897
Rampsgill Head 13/07/2010 + 4/5/13 + 8/3/17 792 2598
Rannerdale Knotts 02/05/2014 355 1165
Raven Crag 19/05/2017 461 1512
Red Pike ( Buttermere) 25/05/2012 755 2477
Red Pike (Wasdale) 27/07/2013 826 2710
Red Screes 30/05/2014 776 2546
Rest Dodd 04/05/2013 696 2283
Robinson 21/09/2013 737 2418
Rossett Pike 19/10/2010 + 3/12/16 650 2133
Rosthwaite Fell 24/02/2017 550 1807
Sail 01/02/2013 773 2536
Saint Sunday Crag 21/04/2009 + 19/6/15 + 29/11/19 841 2759
Sale Fell 17/07/2024 359 1178
Sallows 16/03/2013 516 1693
Scafell  24/03/2012 + 30/7/15 964 3163
Scafell Pike 19/10/2010 + 30/7/15 + 29/9/18 978 3209
Scar Crags 01/02/2013 672 2205
Scoat Fell 27/07/2013 841 2759
Seat Sandal 30/05/2009 736 2415
Seatallan 01/06/2017 692 2270
Seathwaite Fell 05/09/2014 632 2073
Selside Pike 11/04/2013 655 2149
Sergeant Man 16/03/2010 + 28/3/14 730 2395
Sergeant's Crag 09/06/2018 571 1873
Sheffield Pike 14/03/2014 675 2215
Shipman Knotts 30/03/2013 587 1926
Silver How 30/07/2014 394 1293
Skiddaw 24/03/2022 931 3054
Skiddaw Little Man 24/03/2022 865 2838
Slight Side 31/07/2015 762 2500
Sour Howes 16/03/2013 483 1585
Souther Fell 14/02/2023 522 1713
Starling Dodd 27/06/2014 633 2077
Steel Fell 28/03/2014 553 1814
Steel Knotts 08/03/2017 432 1417
Steeple 27/07/2013 819 2687
Stone Arthur 09/03/2009 + 30/5/09 500 1640
Stybarrow Dodd 15/11/2013 843 2766
Swirl How 30/09/2010 802 2631
Tarn Crag (Easedale) 28/03/2014 550 1804
Tarn Crag (Longsleddale) 11/04/2013 664 2178
Thornthwaite Crag 30/03/2013 + 1/11/13 784 2572
Thunacar Knott 16/03/2010 723 2372
Troutbeck Tongue 01/11/2013 364 1194
Ullock Pike 24/03/2022 680 2231
Ullscarf 09/06/2018 726 2382
Walla Crag 19/05/2017 379 1243
Wandope 02/05/2014 772 2533
Wansfell 16/03/2013 487 1598
Watson's Dodd 15/11/2013 789 2589
Wether Hill 04/05/2013 670 2198
Wetherlam 30/09/2010 762 2500
Whin Rigg 31/05/2017 535 1755
525 1722
White Side 02/06/2010 + 14/3/14 863 2831
Whiteless Pike 02/05/2014 660 2165
Whiteside 03/05/2014 707 2320
Yewbarrow 27/07/2013 628 2060
Yoke 30/03/2013 706 2316

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